What do we have to offer?
Great question, and one we’ll continually work on to find and refine the answer. There are a bazillion authors and bloggers out there, right? I doubt we’re going to offer anything that’s brand new or unique, but hopefully what we do offer will have an interesting style coupled with engaging content. Let’s break down where we’re starting from…
Who are we and how will that affect what we offer?
First, both of us have full time jobs, and M also has an additional part-time job. The implication is clear that we won’t be posting as frequently as those with more time to dedicate to their efforts.
- Silver lining – why not share how full-time employment shapes our journey? That way, if you also fall in the same category, we can learn from each other.
Second, what’s it like to write collaboratively? There’s a lot we don’t know yet.
- Silver lining – I’m 100% absolutely sure we’ll find pit-falls and positives along the way because of our partnership. We’re going to share what we learn with you!
And Third, we’ve each got strengths and weaknesses that compliment each other.
- M is a talented graphic artist, writer and reviewer with a proven track record and web presence. … Insert shameless plug here for any of you with an interest in Metal music and bands… Perhaps click here? www.thecirclepit.com
- I’m… well I, ah… there’s got to be something I can add to the equation. My full-time job is in the information technology field, and that can’t hurt, but… I don’t intend to offer techy nerdy content because what has my juices flowing for this endeavor is the creative and communication aspects. Hey, that passion could be something to contribute, eh?
What genres will we be writing for?
We may branch out if the spirit moves us, but these are the areas we currently have works in progress or concepts for:
- Near Future Science Fiction – Is NFSF a thing?
- Far Future Science Fiction – FFSF, hmmm
- Examination of Cultural and Societal themes through Fiction Settings
- Historical Fiction
- Maybe a splash of Victorian Science Fiction – now I’m sure VSF is a thing!
And finally, an appeal to you, Dear Reader!
Help us explore and evolve by offering suggestions for types of content you’d like to see in the comments below.
- The Fine Print – There will be many suggestions we won’t have the time, skill or interest in implementing. For example, if you yearn for Book Reviews seen through the lens of Interpretive Dance videos, IT AIN’T HAPPENING! Trust me on this one, you don’t want to see either M or I engaged in any kind of dancing. That one’s a non-starter. But who know what else you, our Dear Readers may suggest that clicks into place? I can’t offer a specific example because, well, the good ones haven’t occurred to us and you haven’t made the suggestions yet, so pop on down to the comments and let us know.