Nothing Else Mattered

An M and W Collaborative Effort

A fictional exploration of our human tendency to seek escape from life’s unpleasantness. The story takes place in a slightly dystopian, near future, urban setting.

This story may resonate for inhabitants of our current day and age, as it has for the authors.

Status – Second Draft complete

Self Portrait (working title)

An M Solo Effort

When a young man’s passion is frustrated in a dysfunctional family upbringing, the results have wide ranging consequences. A dark fictional tale set in the recent past.

Status – First Draft complete, First Edit in progress

The Honorable Imperial Antiquities Department (working title)

A W Solo Effort

Adventure in a Victorian Science Fiction setting with a group of eccentric English agents provocateur. This one will also appeal to Steam Punk fans.

Captain David Napier, Lady Beatrix, Sergeant Alasdair Fraser, Doctor Arledge Brackenridge and  Lance-Bombardier Nicol are the heart and soul of The Honorable Imperial Antiquities Department.

Status – First Draft in progress