It feels really, really good to have our embryonic Author Platform, Blog and Website published for the world to see!

Now admittedly, there is just an absolute ton of things yet to be done, but there are some early milestones behind us too.

Here are a few of the milestones and a bit of information from behind the scenes:

  • We’ve got our domain!
  • We’ve got our email addresses setup and tied into the web page
  • There’s a home page, and about page, and some blog posts to get things rolling
  • There’s a page for projects, novels and short stories
  • Our page is hosted on Site5 using
  • Currently the Theme use for our page is Knight by ThemeInWP
    • We selected it because it’s simple yet bold and easy to navigate and read

More to do? You betcha!

                More pages to add as we evolve the content we want to share

                Setup social media platforms and tie them into the web page

                Setup and capture an email list for those interested

                Perhaps a newsletter, free content, and who knows what else?


                Oh, and lest we forget… WRITE! That’s what it’s all about in the end, isn’t it?