Greetings! I’m W and he’s M, and together we’re MWStahl. Confused, allow me to illuminate.
My first name is William – W for easy reference.
My son’s name is Michael – hence the M.
A while back we started kicking around story ideas to pass the time during long drives. I, W that is, had an idea for a novel. I’d had an itch to write for a while, but no real idea how exactly to do that, so pretty much nothing had been accomplished. But as we kicked around ideas together, we arrived at a different concept for a novel we thought would be fun to collaborate on.
We began to research and learn about what we were getting into, and it wasn’t long before we were laying plans for a trilogy, along with other collaborative and solo projects. Why limit yourself when you can spread cow patties all over the pasture I say!
Both of us like the idea of ‘strength in numbers’, especially since we both have full time jobs. So welcome to our MWStahl Author Platform, Blog and Website.
In the beginning…